Countryside's Bottom Line "Prophet"
out of Ch.Jubes Aki's White Hot X Countryside's Pride -N- Prophecy. He was the sweetest boy with a heart nearly the size of his body.At 3 years of age he went to Fl supposedly to a great home as a show dog but as it often turns out,that great home did not turn out as intended.But fortunately for Prophet his new owner placed him again.This time into a dream home with new owner Kyle Himpler of Tampa,Fl.What a pair they made!Kyle soon saw that Prophet would make an awesome Therapy dog and after getting certified at the age of 5 years they became a steady visitor every Tuesday and Thursday to the H.Lee Moffet Cancer Center as part of Project PUP...Pets Uplifting People.He brought calm and love to so many people.Sadly Prophet passed away in Dec.2011 at the age of 11 years.He will be so missed.As Prophet's breeder I can never thank Kyle enough for the wonderful life he gave him these many years.He might not have had a shelf full of show trophies and ribbons or the title of Champion but he certainly earned the biggest trophy of all....LOVE.






















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